lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2021

Free Themed Post (N° 4)

Movies and People

Mostly of people have a movie that they would watch again and again because they enjoy it a lot. At least, that's my case and I saw I'm not the only one.

My Favourite Movie

Without a doubt my favourite movie is "Legally Blonde", starring Reese Witherspoon, a famous actress and an Oscar Winner. It is a comedy movie involving Elle Woods, the protagonist, that follow the typical blonde stereotype. She gets into Harvard University and attemps to win back her ex-boyfriend. At the beggining, she did not know anything and she mostly of the time was out of context. Despite all the stereotypes, she triumphs as a successful lawyer, when no one had faith in her. 

Not all the comedy based I love the movie, but the message it covers. People can go over the stereotypes, they just need faith. It is well developed and shows that anyone can triumph if they want. The characters are friendly too. I always liked crime-based books/movies, so I loved the part of the trial. It was a mix of comedy and seriousness. I can not ask more in a movie. I would recommend it without a doubt.

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